le plus difficile dans la vie c'est d'oser la vivre en entier et nom par morceaux

je ne suis pas obligé de pratiquer la dynamique de l'éponge en absorbant et en prenat sur moi les plaintes , les malheurs, la déprime ou le point de vue de l'autre s'il ne rejoint pas ma sensibilite personnelle du moment

vendredi, août 26, 2005


I am a dreamer but when I wake, so one day i dreamt of you,of that i Shared your dreams and shared your bed I've kissed your lips and held your head,I've seen you cry I've seen you smile I've watched you sleeping for a while i dreamt of You touching my heart touching my soul.You changed my life and all my goals.
now i'm in the reality and I still hold your hand in mine when I'm asleep.


  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger toygirl said…

    rana faye9a men el geleba gelt ze3ema ila machedina walo felfeya9 nechedo fel helm sa3a walo de nada

  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger ptqk said…

    salut! ce blog est linké de http://ptqkblogzine.bogia.com
    à l occasion du blog this 2005.

  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger ptqk said…

    salut! blog linké de http://ptqkblogzine.bogia.com
    à l´ocasion du blog this 2005.

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger toygirl said…

    et mon reve etai d'eter avec lui myini mais s'il est pas la alors tompi pour moi

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger toygirl said…

    so let see if we can make this dream reality what you think "toygirl ru there"

  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger toygirl said…

    you think that you got me toyboy comme mon nom le dit je crois que je suis tu'est un peut loin to got me ;)
    but still like the song just tell me who sing it plz ?

  • At 12:03 AM, Blogger toygirl said…

    ho very nice i don't like metallica ;) non mais ca va je suis pas trop avec ce genr de music bon bah merci et have also nice dreams

  • At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Subject: Hug Certificate

    A Hug Certificate for You!
    This poem is for you, because you are very sweet

    If I could catch a rainbow
    I would do it just for you
    and share with you its beauty
    On the days you're feeling blue.

    If I could build a mountain
    You could call your very own;
    A place to find serenity,
    A place to be alone.

    If I could take your troubles
    I would toss them in the sea,
    But all these things I'm finding
    are impossible for me.

    I cannot build a mountain
    Or catch a rainbow fair,
    But let me be what I know best,
    A friend who's always there.

    Mustapha: Greenville, South Carolina, USA - melkrim@email.com

  • At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Subject: Hug Certificate

    A Hug Certificate for You!
    This poem is for you, because you are very sweet

    If I could catch a rainbow
    I would do it just for you
    and share with you its beauty
    On the days you're feeling blue.

    If I could build a mountain
    You could call your very own;
    A place to find serenity,
    A place to be alone.

    If I could take your troubles
    I would toss them in the sea,
    But all these things I'm finding
    are impossible for me.

    I cannot build a mountain
    Or catch a rainbow fair,
    But let me be what I know best,
    A friend who's always there.

    Mustapha: Greenville, South Carolina, USA - melkrim@email.com

  • At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said…

    Sorry for the repeat! I must have clicked twice on my mouse button.
    Again sorry.


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